ALG uses a participative workshop approach (learning by doing) to maintain a balance between theory and application. We serve as a seamless extension of our existing team.

“I hear and I forget; I see and I remember; I do and I understand” – Confucius

Step 1: STUDY We begin with a comprehensive in-take session to understand the current situation and to establish the needs and goals of the client.
Step 2: PLAN We then work with our client to develop a customized plan of action to achieve these goals. We integrate this plan of action into an existing top level business or strategic plan. If one does not exist, then we lead the creation of a strategic plan.
Step 3: DO, CHECK, ADJUST We then offer coaching, consulting, training, and implementation services to help execute the plan of action, monitor process, and make any necessary adjustments.

The pace which we go is always set by our client. We work with our clients as often as they desire and in a way that is most productive for them.

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